Rules & Regulations

Thieves Market Seller Rules and Regulations

Help Keep Thieves Market a Happy Place For Everyone!

* Thieves Market is a diverse environment. Tolerance of cultures, beliefs, and freedoms of other people must be observed.

* In an effort to keep our prices low, we are a “Leave No Trace” event. That means if you brought it in, you must take it out. Do not leave trash, boxes, glass, unwanted items in your space or in/near the trash cans.

* Your items may be photographed for promotional purposes.

1 – SMOKING or use of any TOBACCO PRODUCTS is STRICTLY PROHIBITED on the property.

2 – PETS – No pets are allowed on the property per PVCC regulations.

3 – BUSINESS LICENSE is required from The City of Phoenix for business owners. Keep a copy of your license displayed in your booth. (You do not need a business license if your inventory is personal items that have not been purchased for resale)

4 – SPACES – Each space is approximately 8’w x 16’d, a typical parking space. (min 2 spaces required)

5 – SPACE ASSIGNMENTS – are first come. first serve. It is a tight set up so please follow attendant’s instructions. It’s easy! The goal is to have everyone setup as fast as possible. We have been doing this for years and have it down!

6 – CANOPIES/SUPPLIES – Sellers must supply their own tables, chairs, canopies, etc. There is no electricity and no generators are allowed. Tents, canopies and shade structures must be properly anchored and/or weighted.

7 – LOAD IN/LOAD OUT – Load In is between 5:00 & 7:00 AM. Do NOT begin set up until instructed to do so by attendant. (attendant not present until 5:00AM) No vehicles may enter the sellers area after 7:00AM as our insurance frowns on running over shoppers. Load Out is at 2:00 PM, to make load in and out easier, you may leave your vehicle parked in back of your space. Make sure the front of your car is pointed south so everyone leaves in the same direction during load out.

8- CLEAN UP – In order to keep our prices low, sellers are responsible for removing ALL items from their space. No items may be left on the premises. If you brought it in, you must take it with you when you leave regardless of condition. Do not place your trash in the public trash cans. Trash, boxes, cigarette butts, zip ties and all other debris must be picked up.

9 – VENDOR CODE OF CONDUCT – Be cool or be gone!

10 – NO LITERATURE OR PRINTED MATERIAL other than that which pertains to the sellers items for sale may be distributed to dealers or customers. Please check with us first.

11 – FOOD, BEVERAGE AND DANGEROUS ITEMS – No food or beverages (including water bottles) may be sold. That is for the food vendors to sell. No gas filled balloons, guns, ammunition, or weapons, fireworks, contraband, or pornography may be offered for sale. Seller will not use the space for games, fires, sideshows or illegal purpose. If the cops would not like it, neither would we.

12 – TRANSFERENCE OF SELLERS SPACE – No transfers or reselling of spaces.

13 – THIS EVENT WILL BE HELD RAIN OR SHINE regardless of ALL weather conditions. No refunds, exchanges or rain checks given. NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN in the event of natural disaster, earthquake, civil disturbance, acts of terrorism or Inclement weather. In the event of rain, all dealers are required to stay in their spaces and MAY NOT MOVE THEIR VEHICLES or leave the selling area prior to 2PM unless instructed to do so by a member of the Thieves Market Team.

14 – CUSTOMER REFUNDS – If a customer requests a refund for an item purchased from a seller at this event, seller may be required to give customer a full cash refund, at the discretion of Thieves Market.

15 – MEDICAL EMERGENCIES – In the event of a medical emergency, 911 will be called. The seller may not bring their vehicle into the event due to a medical issue.

16 – AGREEMENT – Sellers payment acknowledges that the seller accepts and agrees to adhere to all of the terms and conditions set forth and all rules appearing on the Thieves Market web site. Thieves Market reserves the right to refuse service and/or booth rental to anyone, or to require any vendor to leave.

17 – COMPLIANCE – Thieves Market reserves the right to restrict and evict any Seller for non-compliance with rules and regulations as stated herewith, or any Seller whose method of operation distracts from the integrity of the event without refund to seller. No Seller shall conduct his business so as to interfere with or disturb others. Failure to comply with any of the rules stated herewith shall be grounds for eviction from this event without refund and the denial of issuance of future space rental. The permission granted to sell at one event shall not convey a right to sell at future events.

18 – LIABILITY – Seller is aware that Thieves Market does not guarantee the safety or security for the person or property of sellers employees at its outdoor markets. Seller assumes all risk of personal injury and loss of property. Seller agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Thieves Market against any and all claims and causes of action arising out of: (1) personal injury to, or loss of property of seller or any of sellers employees or (2) sellers activities in connection with space rentals from Thieves Market the provisions of this section shall apply on all occasions commencing with this event and all subsequent events produced by Thieves Market.